Volunteer Opportunities - MVP (Meetup Volunteers Pittsburgh)

Meetup Volunteers Pittsburgh (MVP) plans and coordinates volunteer events with organizations throughout the Greater Pittsburgh area. They are looking for volunteers!

Sign-Up Here

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, March 8th 8am - 12:15pm Knead Cafe Saturday Breakfast
Saturday, March 8th 1:30 - 3:15pm BINGO at Southwestern Veterans Center
Monday, March 10th 6 - 7:30pm Wii Bowling at Southwestern Veterans Center
Wednesday, March 12th 6 - 6:45pm Light of Life Resue Mission Volunteer Online Orientration 
Saturday, March 22nd 8:30am - 4pm Special Olympics Alleghney Basketball Tournament


Get Involved

Heroes Supporting Heroes would not exist without the efforts of those Heroes who donate
their time, skills and resources to thank our Nation’s service members.

Donate               Request Help                Sponsorship                 Volunteer